Westwood Farm
Growing Opportunities farms on the historic 47-acre Westwood Farm. First established in 1864 as the Westwood Daily Farm this is one of the oldest farms in Nanaimo. Originally spanning 1,000 acres, the farm was purchased by Joseph Westwood in 1864 and was passed through the Westwood family for generations, even housing former mayor and MLA Earle Cathers Westwood. Today the farm is owned by a couple from Vancouver who have generouisly allowed the use of the property by a variety of community groups, including Growing Opportunities.
Here at Westwood Farm we farm on approximately four acres. We host a variety of community groups at the farm, with a focus on diversity and inclusion. In the summer months we provide paid employment to returnikng students through the Canada Summer Jobs program. To fund our operations, we grow vegetables that we sell at local farmers' markets and through our Community Supported Agriculture program, the Farm Gate Crate.
While the farm is not certified organic, we follow organic practices and do not use pesticides or GMO or treated seeds.